čtvrtek 24. května 2012

Repayments for loans that have ended


Mongolia  |  Jewelry 

Shongamiti Group 
Zimbabwe  |  Clothing Sales

Shongamiti Group 
Zimbabwe  |  Clothing Sales

Tajikistan  |  Farm

pátek 30. prosince 2011

Abigail group

. Loan helped the borrower to purchase clothes and other for sale.

Minerva, Isacc, Adelina, Adela,Guadalupe Lucia, Ivett, Tomasa, Florentino, Elizabeth, María Dolores, Marcelina.


Elizabeth has a grocery store.She began with $5. With Your help Elizabeth will can open new store in Valle Esmeralda.

čtvrtek 15. prosince 2011


Money from KIVA helps Antonio to pay for production of gasoline engines for reduced scale models of planes.

Robert Michael Soriano

Support and improve computer service business, just $25O. Robert paing back.

Make opportunity

There are simple way to make new life opportunity for people aroud the World. The way is KIVA.